:: CSF on WHM / cPanel
:: What is csf
csf is ConfigServer Security&Firewall made by configserver
:: How to install and integrated to WHM / cPanel
+ download and install
:: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Arras_Widget_Tag_Cloud
:: WordPress error
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Arras_Widget_Tag_Cloud::WP_Widget_Tag_Cloud() in ..../wp-content/themes/arras/library/widgets.php on line 404
Mastering IP Management: How to Effectively Whitelist and Blacklist IP Addresses in cPanel
Discover the significance of blacklists and whitelists in managing access and privileges, from denying services to recognizing accepted entities. Learn how to effectively whitelist or blacklist IP addresses using cPanel's cPHulk Brute Force Protection feature to enhance your security.
:: Install DBMail Administrator on CentOS
:: What is DBMA
DBMail is an open source, Unix IMAP/POP3 mail storage and retrieval system which together with an MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) like Postfix enables vastly scalable mail systems with SQL database (RDBMS) storage (i.e.: MySQL, PostgreSQL) and retrieval of all e-mail and user data. - dbma