CentOS :: Increase tmpfs / shm size
Learn how to optimize your system's performance by increasing the size of your tmpfs or /dev/shm on Unix-like operating systems. Follow our step-by-step guide to easily adjust the settings and remount for enhanced temporary file storage.
CentOS :: /etc/bashrc read-only
Learn how to resolve the permission denied issue when attempting to edit the /etc/bashrc file on CentOS. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to change file attributes and successfully add an alias for FTP.
XEN:: How to reset root password in guest vm
Learn how to reset the root password in a guest VM using Xen with our step-by-step guide. Follow these simple commands to mount the disk, change the password, and reboot your virtual machine effortlessly!
:: Drive Critical: /dev/loop0 (/var/tmp) is 92% full
Is your cPanel alerting you about a critical drive issue with /var/tmp being 92% full? Follow our simple guide to resolve the warning by modifying the securetmp script and efficiently managing your temporary disk space.