:: Setup XFileSharing on NGINX
Learn how to set up XFileSharing with NGINX by installing and configuring fcgiwrap to manage FastCGI processes effectively. This guide provides step-by-step instructions, ensuring your CGI scripts run smoothly and your file-sharing platform is optimized for performance.
Fixing Nginx Reload Error Due to Unterminated Rewrite Directive
Facing issues with Nginx reload? Learn how to fix the "rewrite" directive error caused by unescaped curly brackets in your configuration file.
:: NGINX : Redirect to external URL
Learn how to effortlessly redirect to an external URL using NGINX with our simple step-by-step guide. From creating a configuration file to testing and reloading NGINX, you'll have your redirection up and running in no time!
:: Install DBMail Administrator on CentOS
:: What is DBMA
DBMail is an open source, Unix IMAP/POP3 mail storage and retrieval system which together with an MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) like Postfix enables vastly scalable mail systems with SQL database (RDBMS) storage (i.e.: MySQL, PostgreSQL) and retrieval of all e-mail and user data. - dbma
:: nginx reverse proxy with apache
Learn how to easily install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy on your Debian Linux server, ensuring optimal performance and security for your web applications. This step-by-step guide also covers the installation of Apache with the RPAF module for seamless integration, making your server setup efficient and robust.