ols1clk.sh: Installing WordPress on OpenLiteSpeed
Installing WordPress on OpenLiteSpeed in Ubuntu 24.04 can seem daunting, but with the ols1clk.sh script, it’s a seamless, one-click process! Let’s dive in!
Docker Run FrankenPHP, WordPress and MySQL
Discover FrankenPHP, a cutting-edge application server for PHP that enhances your web apps with features like real-time capabilities and automatic HTTPS. Learn how to seamlessly install Docker on Ubuntu and set up WordPress with FrankenPHP to elevate your site's performance and security.
CentOS :: Setting Varnish, Nginx for WordPress
Learn how to seamlessly configure Varnish and Nginx for your WordPress site on a CentOS Linux server. This step-by-step guide covers installation, configuration adjustments, and testing to ensure optimal performance and caching capabilities for your website.
WordPress :: An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.
Are you encountering the frustrating An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later. message in WordPress? Discover how to quickly resolve this issue by reinstalling WordPress and effortlessly re-uploading your images in just a few simple steps!
WordPress :: Using OS cron job
Learn how to optimize your WordPress site's performance by switching from WP Cron to a server-based cron job. Follow our simple steps to disable WP Cron and set up an efficient cron job using your operating system for seamless scheduling.