:: installing mybb on linux
:: downloading mybb package
# wget //www.mybb.com/download/latest
:: setup mybb package
# unzip latest # mv Upload/* /var/www # cd /var/www/ # mv inc/config.default.php inc/config.php # chmod 666 inc/config.php inc/settings.php inc/languages/english/*.php inc/languages/english/admin/*.php # chmod 777 cache/ cache/themes/ uploads/avatars/ uploads/ admin/backups/ inc/languages
:: setup mysql db for mybb
mysql> create database mybb; mysql> grant all privileges on mybb.* to mybb@localhost identified by 'mybbpass'; mysql> flush privileges;
:: installing mybb on web browser
open your browser and installing mybb:
and following instruction on the browser.
:: after installation
remove install folder or create file lock on install directory.
# cd /var/www/ # rm -rf install
# cd /var/www/install/ # touch lock