:: Installing VegaDNS
:: What is VegaDNS
VegaDNS is a tinydns administration tool written in PHP to allow easy administration of DNS records through a web browser.
:: How to Install VegaDNS on Linux Debian
+ Get source code
# cd /var/www/ # wget https://github.com/shupp/VegaDNS/tarball/master # tar -xzf master # mv shupp-VegaDNS-c8e935f/ vdns
+ Setup databases
# mysqladmin -u root create vdns -p # mysql -u root -e "grant all privileges on vdns.* to vdns@localhost identified by 'passwd'" -p
+ Change permission
# cd /var/www/vdns # mkdir templates_c configs cache sessions # chown www-data.www-data -R /var/www/vdns/ # chmod 770 -R /var/www/vdns/
+ Edit config.php files
# cd /var/www/vdns/src/ # vi config.php // Location of vegadns private directories $private_dirs = '/var/www/vdns'; // Mysql settings $mysql_host = 'localhost'; $mysql_user = 'vdns'; $mysql_pass = 'passwd'; $mysql_db = 'vdns'; // Local URL $vegadns_url = '//';
+ Configure update-data.sh
# cd /var/www/vdns # vi update-data.sh ## The FULL path to the index.php file for the VegaDNS ############# VEGADNS='//'
+ Setting crontab
# cp update-data.sh /usr/local/sbin/ # crontab -e ### Update tinydns with VegaDNS data */10 * * * * /usr/local/sbin/update-data.sh
:: Checking Installation on the webrowser
Going to URL for VegaDNS [ // ]